10 Worst Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts

Article was written by Irina Demina

When you take a leisurely stroll down the aisles of your local grocery store, you’ll be bombarded with a variety of products that claim to be healthier for you. From “No added sugars” to “Low-fat” to “Less Calories”, the packaging may be enticing, but if you’re looking to shed a few pounds, these options can be incredibly deceiving and ultimately work against your progress.

You may assume that the items on the shelves are healthy and made with harmless ingredients, but think again! Products are often filled with added sugar, additives, and other components that can sabotage your weight loss journey. Natural fructose, MSG, salt, sugar substitutes with a high glycemic index, and high carb foods are common culprits. Although salt and carbs are required for energy and wellness, it's essential to ensure you're getting them from the right sources and in the right amounts.

Despite popular belief, it has been firmly established by health, dietary, and medical experts that we don't gain weight and raise our BMI due to the amount of fat and calories we consume. In actuality, the culprit behind unwanted weight gain is our lack of physical activity and excessive intake of sugars and carbohydrates that are transformed into sugar in the body, resulting in the buildup of fat.

It’s no secret that, for the best results in weight loss, we should all do our best to steer clear of these ten diet-destroying foods. Let's take the necessary steps to limit or avoid them completely!

Onion Rings and a Burger
Source: Photo by Chait Goli

Alcohol And Breakfast Cereal

If you're looking to stay healthy and avoid packing on the pounds, it's best to stay away from beer. Its high carb content makes it an unhealthy choice and can lead to weight gain and other serious health issues. If you're going to consume alcohol, opt for a lighter option such as a shot of liquor on the rocks or club soda.

Not only is breakfast cereal packed with carbs and added sugars, it's a sad reality that it's also extremely lacking in nutritional benefits.

Energy Bars And Rice Cakes

Tempting though they may be, these take-away treats may offer a few health-promoting perks, however, it's important to be aware that many of them are brimming with sugary additives or unhealthy sweeteners.

Pay close attention when selecting health bars with extra fiber! While more fiber might seem beneficial, consuming an excessive amount can lead to unpleasant side effects like gas, bloating, and constipation. Aim to stay away from bars with more than 7 grams of fiber per serving, as well as those with added sugars or sugar alcohols. Make sure to drink plenty of water after having health bars with extra fiber for the best outcome.

Rice cakes may be tasty and convenient, but unfortunately they are lacking in nutrition. Additionally, they are so light and airy that it is easy to overindulge. If you're looking to make your on-the-go snack more balanced, why not add some healthy fats or protein? Nut butter, cottage cheese, and avocado all make great accompaniments to a rice cake. Not only will these additions provide essential nutrients, but they will help to keep you full and satiated.

Sugary Drinks And Diet Drinks

You may think that adding a little bit of fruit juice, sugar, and cream to your coffee won't make much of a difference, but these small amounts of sugar and carbs can add up quickly if you're not mindful of the other food and snacks you eat throughout the day.

Be mindful of the sugar and carbohydrates lurking in drinks you may consider healthy, like fruit shakes, smoothies and energy drinks. Always check the nutrition label before purchasing a bottled beverage. If you're visiting your favorite coffee shop or cafe, try controlling your sugar intake by requesting just a teaspoon of brown sugar or forego the whipped cream topping- or both!

Are you about to reach for that can of Diet Coke or Diet Sprite? Don't do it! Research has associated diet drinks and their synthetic sweeteners with weight gain, neurological issues, obesity, increased mortality rates, and more. Instead, try sugar-free sparkling water or a glass of low-fructose fruit juice as an occasional treat. Your body will be grateful!

Frozen Convenience Dinners And Fast Food

Don't be fooled by the "low fat," "organic," and "weight smart" labels in the freezer aisle - they may look like the healthy choice, but the truth is there's usually a lot of sodium, sugar, and unrecognizable ingredients hiding in these products. Eating these highly processed foods can lead to an array of health problems, such as water retention, diabetes, and weight gain. If it looks too processed to be good for you, it's best to keep shopping!

Take a look under the hood of fast food, and you may be shocked by what you find. From how it's stored and prepared to the dangerously high levels of salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, fast food's nutritional value is practically non-existent. Eating too much of this kind of food can lead to obesity and serious long-term health issues. It's time to make a better decision when it comes to what we eat.

Flavored Yogurt And Processed Salad Dressings

Craving a sweet treat but don't want the guilt? Reach for some yogurt! It's delicious and nutritious, but watch out for added sugar in the ingredients list. Many flavored yogurts have more sugar than cookies, chocolate, and even candy bars! To get the most bang for your buck, opt for plain Greek or Icelandic yogurt. They have more protein and fewer carbs, so you can indulge without the worry. If you still want something sweet, try mixing in low-glycemic fruits like blueberries or strawberries. Yum!

Watch out for those sneaky salad dressings! They can be filled with sugar and salt, so be sure to be vigilant.

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